Curriculum First

Integrated Curriculum and Financial Planning (ICFP)

drb’s ‘Curriculum First‘ can review how efficient and effective your curriculum and staffing structure is, whether you are a single academy or one of a group of schools, typically within a Multi Academy Trust (MAT).

Our Curriculum First review involves a detailed analysis of a school’s budget and staffing structure and provides the School / MAT with a detailed internal review template which they can then use to benchmark against other schools and MAT’s or even benchmark across schools within the same MAT.

Typically, the data is used to highlight areas of inefficiency or identify where there is a surplus resource. It also produces a number of key ratio’s which can be benchmarked against other Schools / MAT’s. drb has started to benchmark its own clients through this exercise, where a consistent approach has been applied to the reviews. Detailed guidance on the interpretation of the data and suggested actions are also provided.

Curriculum First links your finances with the delivery of the curriculum to enable you to plan the delivery of your curriculum efficiently while maintaining and improving standards.

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'Curriculum First'

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