drb appreciates the importance of the contribution made by bursars, business managers and finance administrators to the management of your organisation’s finances.
Critical tasks such as ordering, invoicing, payroll, reconciliation and maintenance of the Management Information System are required on a day-to-day basis to ensure your organisation’s finances run smoothly and that you receive accurate, timely financial management information.
Absence, illness, vacancies and peak periods in the office can cause a breakdown in these financial procedures and processes. To ensure the continuity your organisation requires and minimise disruption, drb through its team of experienced finance consultants is here to help.
drb Schools and Academies Services can provide cover for all finance based tasks, from day-to-day ordering and invoicing, maintenance of the personnel module, monthly EPA / cheque book returns through to the provision of a full Strategic Business Manager role, which is crucial in supporting your senior leadership team and governors.
The individual requirements, and therefore the cost of the cover service will vary, but be assured drb’s response will always be immediate.