If you are new to EYFS or want to see amazing practice – book this course
For Early Years practitioners and leaders:
Waddah Ali is an expert early year’s leader and has devised a comprehensive step by step approach to teaching key skills in the early years. This full day will comprise of two sessions.
The morning session will cover Early Writing, Early Reading and Writing Moderation. This will look at how we teach and assess reading and writing in Early Years, focusing on the following:
- a step-by-step guide on reaching the expected level and how to extend pupils in reading and writing;
- how to measure progress;
- what level of work to expect at each stage of the year;
- sharing tools for teaching and assessment;
- writing moderation with a number of schools (practitioners bring three pieces of evidence at different levels to moderate).
The afternoon session will cover Mathematics in Early Years, Early Years Mathematics moderation and Early Years Assessment and teaching and a learning tool for all the 17 areas of learning:
- a step-by-step guide on reaching the expected level and how to extend pupils in Mathematics;
- how to measure progress;
- what level of work to expect at each stage of the year;
- sharing tools for teaching and assessment;
- mathematics moderation with a number of schools (practitioners bring three pieces of evidence at different levels to moderate).
- sharing assessment and teaching tools for the 17 areas of learning.
Dates: Thursday 3rd October at 9:30 – 15:00 (Lunch provided)
Venue: The H Suite, 100 Icknield Port Road, Birmingham B16 0AA
Cost: £240 (+VAT)