School Improvement Adviser service

Understanding the context, challenges and opportunities of each individual school or academy, drb school improvement advisers support headteachers and their senior teams to improve practice and develop strategic skills.

drb school improvement advisers provide:

  • bespoke termly support, advice and challenge for headteachers.
  • support for Headteachers’ performance management for an additional fee

Termly advice, support and challenge

drb School/Academy Improvement Advisers have the skills and experience to work with schools and academies to undertake a range of activities, depending on the needs of the school.

These could include:

  • validating the school’s monitoring and evaluation procedures and outcomes;
  • reviewing the school’s record of its self-evaluation;
  • reviewing how school leaders secure school improvement arising from self- evaluation;
  • supporting leaders in school improvement planning;
  • supporting leaders at all levels, including governors, to hold staff to account;
  • providing leadership-related professional development for senior and middle leaders;
  • undertaking joint monitoring activities eg observing learning, scrutiny of pupils’ work, professional discussions;
  • working with those responsible for the analysis and evaluation of school data, including ASP (Analyse School Performance) and the IDSR (Inspection Data Summary Report) and other pupil performance data sources;
  • undertaking, or helping to identify appropriate specialists to take part in, reviews of school performance, alongside senior leaders from the school/academy.

The exact agenda for each drb School/Academy Improvement Adviser visit will be agreed with the school or academy.

Following each visit the drb School/Academy Improvement Adviser will prepare a report outlining the activities and discussions that took place, and future actions agreed or recommended at the visit.

Headteacher Performance Management

drb school improvement advisers provide support and guidance for governors and Headteachers undertaking the performance management of Headteachers.

Depending on the needs of the school, this could include:

  • evaluating progress towards previous performance management objectives;
  • advising Headteachers and governors to make judgements regarding the achievement of performance management objectives;
  • advising, supporting and challenging Headteachers and governors when devising new performance management objectives and the criteria by which success will be judged;
  • advising Headteachers and governors regarding appropriate professional development to support achievement of performance management objectives;
  • validating the school’s Headteacher performance management procedures and outcomes.

Following the performance management visit the drb consultant or associate will prepare a report which will include:

  • agreed judgements about the achievement of previous performance management objectives;
  • new performance management objectives, including:
    • performance criteria
    • an outline of the evidence that could be provided to demonstrate achievement of the objective
    • a note of any agreed support or professional development that would help the headteacher to achieve the objectives

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