Recent publicity in relation to Academy finances has been negative once again. There has been and will continue to be increased emphasis on transparent and effective financial management and the continual search for Best Value economies.

A welcome example is the Department for Education’s push for Academies to integrate consideration of the curriculum in their financial planning. The suggested methodology to do this can appear quite complicated but the potential end results are well worth the effort. If you’ve ever thought that school finances give very limited potential for savings then you’d agree that the Integrated Curriculum Financial Planning approach is an extremely welcome one.

drb Schools & Academies Services’ Curriculum First solution can be used to get your school the very best information from this process and provide pointers as to where timetable-driven savings may be made. In addition to this, the information provided by drb can be used as an extremely good internal tool to establish the effectiveness and efficiency of the delivery of the curriculum across one or a number of schools.

We will be launching ‘Curriculum First‘ over the next few weeks – do keep an eye out! If you are interested and would like to find out more, please contact Doug Skinner at

Doug Skinner

Author Doug Skinner

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Support available for all of schools' finance support requirements including Full Cheque Book transition. For more information, please contact Doug Skinner or call 07843 282535.