The typical structure of a MAT is where funds are received direct from the ESFA into the MAT where a percentage “top slice” or “management fee” is deducted to fund the central infrastructure and services and the balanced passed down to the schools.
This approach encourages MAT’s to take on larger schools as the MAT will receive a larger fee from a 3 form entry schools tan it would from a one form entry schools. However, where does this leave the small schools or PRU’s? Also does the 3 form entry school really receive three times more support from the MAT?
There are numerous questions to be considered and answered including the “value and effectiveness” that the schools will receive from the services and people provided by the MAT.
Maybe a move to a fixed or flexed fee with incremental charges would be a better option and make MAT’s more accountable for their costs and be more effective and would encourage closer collaboration?
Achieving the right balance for your MAT, whilst ensuring you “tick the boxes” from an ESFA perspective is a real challenge. However, the focus should remain on the effective use of resources to drive standards within the MAT.